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Thursday, March 13, 2025

ICMR NIE Recruitment 2025

sbj Classes

        Friends, if you are looking for a job and you are not getting a job, then today we have brought such a job for you, by which you can easily get a job by exam. You can do this work very easily and earn money. If you want, you can also make your career.

The most recent announcement on the hiring of Assistant, LDC, and UDC Clerks has been released by the ICMR National Institute of Epidemiology. There are ten positions available at ICMR NIE in total. On February 17, 2025, the ICMR-NIE Recruitment 2025 short notice was made public. The website is where qualified applicants can submit their applications for ICMR-NIE Recruitment 2025.

ICMR NIE Recruitment 2025

The ICMR-National Institute of Epidemiology (ICMR-NIE), a research institute under the aegis of the Indian Council of Medical Research, Department of Health Research, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India invites online applications from eligible Indian Citizens for various posts under Administrative cadre. Only those applications filled through online mode using the link provided herewith and are found in order will be accepted. Candidates should go through the detailed  notification carefully before applying for the post and ensure that they fulfill the eligibility conditions indicated in this notification. Candidature of the applicants not meeting the eligibility conditions will be cancelled at any stage of the recruitment process without any notice. Candidature of the applicants shall be purely PROVISIONAL at all stages of recruitment process.

Important schedules for the examination/test for all the posts will be as under:  

The admit cards for the CBT will be available for downloading in ICMR-NIE website until the day of 

The Director, ICMR-NIE reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of vacancies in any category at any stage of recruitment. 



Computer Based online screening examinations for the post of Assistant consisting two tiers                                
(Tier -1: A Computer Based Test of MCQs and Tier-2: Computer Proficiency Test) will be held. 
 The computer-based test (CBT) will be of MCQ type with a total of 100 questions as given below: 

The CBT carries negative marking; 1 mark shall be awarded for each correct answer and 0.25 marks 
shall be deducted for every incorrect answer. Questions from the subject matter will be of a level 
commensurate with the essential qualification. 

The minimum essential qualifying marks (Pass marks) to be obtained by the candidates in the 
CBT  for the post of Assistant are given below:

Candidates Shortlisted based on their performance in CBT shall be called for Computer 
Proficiency Test of 20 marks which is qualifying in nature. The minimum essential qualifying 
marks for test shall be 50% of the total marks prescribed (i.e. 10 marks) for all the candidates. 

Weightage for ‘Post Qualification Experience’ (Maximum 5 marks) – In addition, up to 5 
marks will be accorded to candidates who possess ‘Post Qualification Experience’ in any 
Government recognized or approved or registered Organization. The weightage marks for 
experience will be accorded as below: 

Age Limit

  • Upper age limit shall be determined as on the closing date for submission of online 
  • application. 
  • Date of Birth as recorded in the Matriculation/Secondary Examination Certificate 
  • only will be accepted for determining the age and no subsequent request for change 
  • will be considered or granted. 
  • No age relaxation would be available to Reserved (SC/OBC) candidates applying for 
  • unreserved vacancies. 
  • Permissible relaxation of upper age limit as per Government orders for claiming age 
  • relaxation as on last date of receipt of application is as under:-

  • Relaxation of age limit for PwBD Candidates would be permissible to those who have a minimum of 40% disability. The candidates need to attach the relevant Disability Certificate, issued by the competent Medical Authority of the Govt. of India; for claiming age relaxation 
  • failing which no age relaxation shall be considered. 
  • If a person with disability is entitled to age concession by virtue of being a Central Government employee, concession to him/her will be admissible either as a 'person with disability' or as a 'Central Government employee' whichever may be more beneficial to him/her. 
  • Ex-servicemen who have already secured employment in civil side under Government in Group ‘C’ & ‘D’ posts on regular basis after availing of the benefits of reservation given to ex servicemen for their re-employment are not eligible for reservation in Ex-SM category and fee 9 concession. However, such candidates can avail of the benefit of reservation as ex-serviceman for subsequent employment if he immediately after joining civil employment, gives self declaration/undertaking to the concerned employer about the date-wise details of application for various vacancies for which he had applied for before joining the initial civil employment as mentioned in the OM No: 36034/1/2014-Estt (Res) dated 14.08.2014 issued by DoP&T. 

I. The age relaxation for reserved category applicants is admissible only in the case of vacancies being reserved for such categories. The reserved category applicants, who apply against unreserved vacancies, will be treated on par with UR category candidates. 

II. Applicants may check their eligibility for seeking relaxation in Upper Age Limit carefully. If eligible, they are required to fill appropriate Category Code as applicable to them.


1. Category once filled in the application form cannot be changed and no benefit of other category 
will be admissible later on. 
2. The candidates belonging to SC should submit the caste certificate in the prescribed format 
3. OBC certificate for the purpose of age relaxation will mean “PERSONS OF OBC CATEGORY NOT 
BELONGING TO CREAMY LAYER” as defined in DoPT’s OM No. 36012/22/93-Estt (SCT) dated 
08.09.1993, modified vide OM No. 36033/3/2004-Estt (res) dated 09.03.2004 and 14.10.2008 
and subsequently revised vide OM NO. 36035/1/2013-Estt. (Res.) dated 27.05.2013. The closing 
date for receipt of application will be treated as the date of reckoning for OBC status of the 
candidate and also for assuming that the candidate does not fall in the Creamy Layer on the 
reckoning date. OBC candidates must, therefore, furnish valid and updated OBC certificate in the 
prescribed format given in (Annexure-II) which should specifically include the clause regarding 
“Exclusion from the Creamy Layer”. In order to get age relaxation, they have to furnish a 
declaration in the prescribed format given in (Annexure – III). 
3. The OBC certificate issued within the same financial year and valid as on the last date of receipt of 
applications shall only be accepted under OBC category. 
4. The OBC candidates who belong to "Creamy Layer" have to indicate their category as General. 
5. The candidates belonging to the PwBD category should submit the Disability Certificate in the 
prescribed format, as applicable to them (Annexure-IV). 
6. The candidates belonging to Ex-servicemen category should submit a Certificate from competent 
authority, as applicable to them. (Annexure-V) 
7. The candidates working in the Central/State Government Departments/Public Sector 
Undertaking etc. should submit “No Objection Certificate and Vigilance Clearance Certificate” 
failing which the application will be summarily rejected. (Annexure-VI).  
8. The Central Government Servants / Departmental Candidates and candidates working in the 
ICMR Funded Projects should submit “No Objection Certificate” in the prescribed format 
9. All the posts carry all India transfer liability. The selected candidates may be posted at any of the 
Institutes/Centres/Field Units under the control of ICMR/NIE. No TA/DA shall be considered in 
this case. 
10. Benefit of new structured defined contributory pension system is admissible for new entrants as 
per provision contained in the Ministry of Finance, Department of Economic Affair (ECB & PR 
Division), Notification No. 5/7/2003-ECB & PR dated 22.12.2003 effective from 01.01.2004. 
11. Any canvasing by or on behalf of the candidate or bringing political or other outside influence with 
regard to the selection/recruitment amounts to unfair practice and shall lead to disqualification. 
12. The Experience Certificate (Work Experience) should be issued by the competent authority of the 
government recognised/approved/registered institution etc. and must be clear with Name, 
Designation, period of work experience (From – to), nature of duties performed etc. by the 
13. Educational qualifications should be from a recognised board/organization/institute of repute 
and experience should be in a government recognised/ approved/ registered institution. 
14. Only post qualification experience shall be taken into consideration 
15. No person (a) who is entered into or contracted marriage with a person having  a spouse living or 
(b) who having a spouse living has entered into or contracted a marriage with any person shall be 
eligible for appointment to the service provided that the Central Government may,  if satisfied that 
such marriage is permissible under the personal law applicable to such person and other party to 
the marriage and there are other grounds for so doing, exempt any person from the operation of 
this rule. 
16. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the computer-based test and the candidates will have to make 
their own arrangements. 
17. The candidates applying in response to this advertisement, in their own interest, are advised that 
they should satisfy themselves regarding their eligibility for the post applied for. They must 
ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria viz., age limit, essential qualification, experience, 
reservation etc. as on the last date of receipt of application. In case, at any stage of recruitment or 
even after appointment, it has come to the notice that any of candidates does not fulfil the required 
qualifications in respect of the above mentioned eligibility criteria or has furnished any wrong or 
false or misleading information in the application form or has suppressed any material fact(s) or 
is not eligible otherwise, his/her candidature will automatically stand cancelled without assigning 
any reason or notice thereof irrespective of his/her marks obtained in the test and no 
enquiry/request/correspondence will be entertained in this regard.  
18. It is the responsibility of the candidates to visit ICMR/NIE websites for any updates in the 
recruitment process. 



 So this is a very good opportunity in which you are getting Govt job. This job has brought you a golden opportunity and you should not miss it at all. You can imagine how big the network is doing. This is also a career opportunity for you. So I hope you liked our post and if you have any problem then you can ask us through comment and also follow us.

Disclaimer: Any information regarding examination forms, results/scores, answer keys published on this website is provided for the immediate information of the examinees only and should not be considered as a legal document. While the SBJ CLASSES team has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information provided including the official links, we are not responsible for any inadvertent error that may appear in the examination results/grades, answer keys or admission schedule/dates. Also, we accept no liability for any loss or damage caused by any deficiency, defect or inaccuracy in the information available on this website. Please contact us through the Contact Us page if you require any correction.

Note:- SBJ CLASSES is not a Consultant and will never charge any candidates for Jobs. Please be aware of fraudulent calls or emails

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Flipkart Foundation Scholarship Program 2024-25

sbj Classes

     Friends, if you are looking for a job and you are not getting a job, then today we have brought such a job for you, by which you can easily get a job by learning the skills. You can do this work very easily and earn money. If you want, you can also make your career.

We are talking about Flipkart Foundation Scholarship Program 2024-25, where you get Scholarships. You can learn skills by taking Scholarships and you can use these skills to get a job. It is a huge company and it is a great achievement and you should not miss this opportunity. Its branches are spread all over India.

About The Program

Flipkart Group is committed to strengthening the retail sector including the Kirana Stores which form a significant part. As part of our endeavour, the Flipkart Foundation is supporting a scholarship for children of Kirana Store Owners to make them future-ready. The Flipkart Foundation Scholarship 2024-25 is an initiative by the Flipkart Foundation aimed at supporting deserving, financially disadvantaged students, with a strong emphasis on empowering meritorious and underprivileged female students. Aligned with goals emphasising affordable education and gender equality, the program aims to enable access to higher education and promote empowerment.

Under this program, first-year students enrolled in professional STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) undergraduate programs and children of Kirana Store Owners (KSOs) in the academic year 2024-25 will receive a fixed scholarship of INR 50,000. 

About the Company

The Flipkart Foundation, the Flipkart Group's charitable division, is committed to promoting sustainable development and equitable growth throughout India. The Foundation was established with the goal of making a significant difference and helps small enterprises, education, skill development, and impoverished communities. Its programs, which prioritize environmental preservation and technological empowerment, are in line with Flipkart's dedication to sustainability, gender parity, and community development. The Foundation is supporting India's broader developmental objectives through collaborations.

  • Applicants must be currently studying in the 1st year of professional undergraduate STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) courses at government colleges in India.
  • One parent must be a Kirana Store Owner (KSO).
  • Applicants must have scored at least 60% in their Class 12 exams.
  • The annual family income should not exceed INR 5 lakh from all sources.
  • Children of employees of Flipkart Group and Buddy4Study are not eligible to apply.


A fixed scholarship of INR 50,000
Note: The scholarship fund may be utilized to cover academic-related expenses, including, but not limited to, tuition fees, exam fees, hostel fees, books, stationery, travel, data, food and lodging, etc.

  • Recent passport-size photograph
  • College/ Institution admission proof (Admission Letter/ Institution Identity Card, etc.)
  • Class 12 mark sheet 
  • Family income proof (ITR, salary slips, income certificate issued by concerned Government authority, etc.)
  • Proof of Kirana Store Owner (Shops and Establishment Registration Act, Entity Registration, GST Registration or as applicable) 
  • Proof of identity (PAN Card, Aadhaar card, Driving Licence, etc.)
  • Disability certificate issued by the concerned government authority (if applicable)
  • Payment receipts of educational expenses (tuition fees, hostel fees, books, mess fee, etc.) along with fee structure for the academic year
  • Student’s Bank passbook

How to Apply

  • Click on the ‘Apply Now’ button.
  • Login to Buddy4Study with your registered ID and land on the ‘Application Form Page.’
  1. Register at Buddy4Study with your Email/Mobile/Gmail account.
  • You will now be redirected to the ‘Flipkart Foundation Scholarship 2024-25' application form page.
  • Click on the ‘Start Application’ button to begin the application process.
  • Fill in the required details in the online application form.
  • Upload relevant documents.
  • Accept the ‘Terms and Conditions’ and click on ‘Preview’. 
  • If all the details filled in by the applicant are correctly showing on the preview screen, click the ‘Submit’ button to complete the application process.


So this is a very good opportunity in which you are getting Scholarships as well as work from home. This company has brought you a golden opportunity and you should not miss it at all. You can imagine how big the network is doing. This is also a career opportunity for you. So I hope you liked our post and if you have any problem then you can ask us through comment and also follow us.

Friday, March 7, 2025

RSMSSB NHM Recruitment 2025

sbj Classes

       Friends, if you are looking for a job and you are not getting a job, then today we have brought such a job for you, by which you can easily get a job by exam. You can do this work very easily and earn money. If you want, you can also make your career.

The Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB) has announced 8,256 vacancies under the National Health Mission (NHM) for 2024-25. The posts include Community Health Officer (CHO), Block Programme Officer, Nurse, Data Entry Operator, Social Worker, Pharma Assistant, and others.

RSMSSB NHM Recruitment 2025

On December 11, 2024, a brief announcement was posted on the official website. Additionally, a thorough notification has been posted on the official website. The Rajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSMSSB) website is where qualified individuals can apply, and the application process is entirely online.

Applications must be submitted by April 18, 2025, with the application window opening on March 19, 2025. To prevent last-minute technical difficulties, candidates should make sure to apply before the deadline.

Organization NameRajasthan Staff Selection Board (RSSB)
Name of the PostCHO, Nurse, DEO & Others
Total Vacancy8256
Apply ModeOnline
Starting date19 March 2025
Last Date118 April 2025

Eligibility Criteria

Educational Qualification

The educational qualifications for each post are different. Here are some examples of what is expected:
  • Community Health Officer (CHO): A Bachelor’s Degree in Community Health or Nursing.
  • Data Entry Operator: A high school (12th) pass with typing and data handling skills.
  • Pharma Assistant: A Diploma in Pharmacy.
  • Medical Lab Technician: A Diploma or Degree in Medical Laboratory Technology.

The official notification will have the complete list of qualifications for all the posts. Candidates should read the detailed notification carefully to ensure they meet the requirements before applying.

Age Limit

The age limit for the post will be given in the detailed notification.

Selection Process

The selection process will include several steps. First, a written exam with objective-type questions will test candidates’ technical knowledge and general awareness. For certain posts, like Data Entry Operator, a skill test may also be conducted to assess typing or other job-specific skills. After that, candidates’ documents and certificates will be verified to confirm their eligibility. Finally, a medical examination will ensure that candidates meet the required health standards for the job.

Application Date
  • Start Date: 19 March 2025
  • Last Date to Apply: April 18, 2025 (till 11:59 PM)
  • Exam Date: 2 June 2025 to 13 June 2025

Registration Fee

The recruitment application fee varies by category. Candidates in the General, OBC, or EWS categories must pay ₹450. For candidates from SC, ST, or PwD categories, the fee is reduced to ₹250. This fee can be paid online using methods such as debit cards, credit cards, or net banking.

How to Apply

Follow these simple steps to apply online for RSMSSB NHM Recruitment 2025:

  • Visit the official website at
  • Look for the “NHM Recruitment 2024” link under the Latest Notifications section.
  • Click on the link and register by providing your email ID and phone number.
  • Fill out the online application form with accurate details like educational qualifications, work experience, and personal information.
  • Upload the required documents, including scanned copies of your photograph, signature, and educational certificates.
  • Pay the application fee per your category using the available online payment options.
  • Review the application form carefully and click on the Submit button.
  • Save and print the acknowledgement receipt.

For Download Notification Click Here


 So this is a very good opportunity in which you are getting Govt job. This job has brought you a golden opportunity and you should not miss it at all. You can imagine how big the network is doing. This is also a career opportunity for you. So I hope you liked our post and if you have any problem then you can ask us through comment and also follow us.

Thursday, March 6, 2025

TMB Bank Recruitment 2025, Apply Now

sbj Classes

       Friends, if you are looking for a job and you are not getting a job, then today we have brought such a job for you, by which you can easily get a job by exam. You can do this work very easily and earn money. If you want, you can also make your career.

TMB Bank Recruitment 2025 has been initiated for 124 vacancies by the Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank on 28th February 2025 on its official website. Candidates can register for the recruitment from 28th February 2025 onwards through the link mentioned in the article.

TMB Bank Recruitment 2025

On February 28, 2025, Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank Ltd. (TMB) published the TMB Bank Notification 2025 for 124 Senior Customer Service Executives (SCSE). Beginning on February 28, 2025, the TMB Bank Recruitment 2025 online application process will be available on the bank's official website. For those who want to begin their career in the bank department, this is a fantastic opportunity. For comprehensive information regarding the hiring procedure, interested and qualified candidates should read the entire article.

On February 28, 2025, the Tamil Nadu Mercantile Bank Ltd. (TMB) published the comprehensive announcement for the position of Senior Customer Service Executive (SCSE) in the private bank division. Important information like the age restriction, educational requirements, pay scale, and selection procedure are all included in the notification. The application procedure and instructions for TMB Bank Recruitment 2025 are available in the PDF below for candidates who would want to apply.

Candidates may apply for the TMB Bank Recruitment 2025 if they have graduated with at least 60% of the possible points and are under 30 years old. Candidates must take an online test and then an interview as part of this recruitment process. Additionally, applicants must be able to read, write, and communicate in the state's regional language. Proof of residence for the applied state is required.

Conducting BodyTamil Nadu Mercantile Bank Ltd. (TMB
Post NameSenior Customer Service Executive (SCSE
CategoryGovt. Jobs
Registration Dates28th February to 16th March 2025
Selection ProcessOnline Exam and Interview
Educaitonal QualificationGraduation
Upper Age Limit30
Job Location15 states
Official website

Important Dates

The TMB Bank Recruitment 2025 follows a predefined timeline for the selection process. The online exam is scheduled to take place in April 2025. After the exam, the results will be announced in May 2025. Candidates who qualify will receive their call letters for the interview in May 2025. Finally, the provisional allotment of selected candidates will be made in June or July 2025.

Notification28th February 2025
Application Starts28th February 2025
Application Ends16th March 2025
Online examApril 2025
ResultMay 2025
Call letter for InterviewMay 2025
Provisional AllottmentJune or July 2025
Expected JoiningImmediately after Provisional Allottment

Vacancy Details

A total of 124 vacancies have been notified for 18 states or union territories. Maximum posts have been allotted for the Gujarat state, which is 34 and the rest of the vacancy distribution is tabulated below.

Andhra Pradesh21Telugu
Madhya Pradesh2Hindi
West Bengal1Bengali
Andaman & Nicobar1Hindi
Dadra Nagar Haveli1Hindi / Bhilodi
Total124Regional Language is Mandatory

Application Form Details

Beginning on February 28, 2025, and ending on March 16, 2025, is the online application period for the TMB Bank Recruitment 2025. Interested parties can complete their application on TMB Bank's official website. Candidates should carefully fill out the application because providing false information will result in disqualification. We have provided the direct registration link for TMB Recruitment 2025 for the convenience of the candidates.

Application Fee

To complete the TMB Bank Application Form 2025, candidates have to pay the application fee of Rs1000 with taxes. The fee can be paid online using Net Banking, Debit Cards, or Credit Cards.

All CategoriesRs.1000 + Applicable Taxes

How to Apply

Eligible candidates who wish to apply fo the TMB Bank Recruitment must follow these steps for registration.

  • Visit the Bank’s official website “” and click on the “APPLY ONLINE” option under the recruitment section for “Senior Customer Service Executive (SCSE).”
  • To begin the registration process, select the “Click here for New Registration” tab. Enter your Name, Contact details, and Email ID.
  • The system will generate a Registration Number and Password on your screen and mobile
  • Fill out the online application form and upload the documents
  • Photograph (4.5cm × 3.5cm, 20-50 KB)
  • Signature (10-20 KB)
  • Left Thumb Impression (20-50 KB)
  • Handwritten Declaration (50-100 KB)
  • Pay the application fee and submit the form and take a printout for future reference


To be eligible for the TMB Bank Recruitment 2025, candidates must meet the Educational and Age requirements set by the Tamil Nade Mercantile Bank. Those who do not meet these requirements will be disqualified at the time of document verification.

Educational Qualification

Candidates must have an undergraduate degree in Arts or Science from a recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks in total.

Age Limit (as of 31/01/2025)

Candidates must not be older than 30 years of age.

Selection Process

Candidates will be selected based on their performance in the written test. Shortlisted candidates will then be invited to participate in a personal interview as part of the final selection process.
  • Written Exam
  • Interview
Exam Pattern

The Exam pattern for Senior Customer Service Executive (SCSE) is comprised of 5 sections.
  • Each section has a different set of questions.
  • Each question contains one mark.
  • There are 5 options for each question
  • 1/4 marks will be deducted for each incorrect attempt.
  • After clearing the Exam, candidates will be called for the Interview
General Awareness252515 mins
English Language303020 mins
Reasoning & Computer Aptitude303025 mins
Quantitative Ability252525 mins
General Banking404035 mins
Total150150120 mins


Candidates appointed through the TMB Bank Recruitment 2025 will get the salary based on the 7th pay Commission. The annual salary for these candidates will be Rs. 8,64,740, which means the monthly salary is approximately Rs. 72,061.67.

 For Download Notification CLICK HERE


So this is a very good opportunity in which you are getting job in Bank. This Bank has brought you a golden opportunity and you should not miss it at all. You can imagine how big the network is doing. This is also a career opportunity for you. So I hope you liked our post and if you have any problem then you can ask us through comment and also follow us.

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

IPPB Executive Recruitment 2025 Notification Out Now

sbj Classes

       Friends, if you are looking for a job and you are not getting a job, then today we have brought such a job for you, by which you can easily get a job by exam. You can do this work very easily and earn money. If you want, you can also make your career.

India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has released the IPPB Executive Recruitment 2025 notification for 51 Circle-Based Executive posts on a contract basis. The application process is open from 01 March to 21 March 2025. Check eligibility, selection process, and apply online through the direct link.

IPPB Executive Recruitment 2025

The IPPB Circle Based Executive Recruitment Notification 2025 has been released by India Post Payments Bank Limited (IPPB). The bank is seeking to contract with 51 Circle Based Executives. Interested parties that fit the requirements can apply online between March 1st, 2025, and March 21st, 2025. The candidate will be interviewed after being chosen based on their graduation grades. For recent graduates hoping to get employment in the banking and finance industry, this is a fantastic opportunity. For additional information on openings, eligibility, and the application procedure, candidates are encouraged to consult the official notification.

Interested candidates can now download the official notification PDF to check eligibility, selection process, and application details. The notification PDF provides complete information about the IPPB Executive position, including salary, contract terms, and important dates. Candidates can download the notification PDF from the direct link provided below to review all essential details before applying. The IPPB Executive Recruitment 2025 is for choosing candidates for Circle Based Executives on a contract basis for one year, which may be extended for up to three years, depending on performance. Candidates who meet the eligibility criteria should apply before March 21, 2025, to guarantee their spot in this recruitment drive.

The IIPB Executive Recruitment 2025 offers a valuable opportunity for graduates looking for a stable banking job. With a simple selection process and an attractive salary package, this is an excellent chance to join the banking sector. The selection will be based on graduation marks and an interview.

OrganisationIndia Post Payments Bank (IIPB)
RecruitmentIPPB Executive Recruitment 2025
PostCircle Based Executives
Registration Dates01- 21 March 2025
Employment TypeContract
Contract Period01 year (can be extended up to 3 years)
Educational QualificationGraduation
Age Limit21- 35 years
Selection ProcessShortlisting & Interview
Application Fees₹750/- or ₹150/-

Important Dates

The online application process for IPPB Executive Recruitment 2025 will begin from 1st March 2025 and continue until 21st March 2025. Interested and eligible candidates should submit their applications within these dates to avoid missing the deadline. Check the below table:

  • IPPB Notification Release Date: 28th February 2025
  • Apply Online Starts: 1st March 2025
  • Last Date to Apply Online: 21st March 2025
  • Last Date to Pay Fee: 21st March 2025

Apply Online Link

The IPPB Executive Recruitment 2025 Apply Online link is now active for eligible candidates. Those interested in applying for the executive positions can submit their applications through the official portal before the deadline. The application process is simple, and candidates must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria before proceeding. To make it easier, we have provided the direct application link below, allowing candidates to apply online without any hassle. Click on the link to complete your registration and secure your chance to be a part of India Post Payments Bank (IPPB).

Vacancy 2025

India Post Payments Bank (IPPB) has announced 51 vacancies for the post of Circle-Based Executive on a contract basis. These vacancies are distributed across different circles, providing candidates with an opportunity to work in various locations. The category-wise recruitment is mentioned in the table below:


Eligibility Criteria

To apply for IPPB Executive Recruitment 2025, candidates must have a graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized university. The age limit for applicants is 21 to 35 years as of the cut-off date. Candidates must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria before applying, as selection will be based on academic merit and interview.

Educational Qualification: Candidates must have a Bachelor’s degree in any discipline from a recognized university or institution

Age Limit: Age relaxation for reserved categories will be provided as per government norms.

  • Minimum Age: 21 years
  • Maximum Age: 35 years


Candidates should make the payment online through the official application portal before 21 March 2025 to complete their application process. Applicants are required to pay a non-refundable application fee while applying. The fee structure is as follows:

  • SC/ST/PWD Candidates: ₹150 (Only Intimation Charges)
  • All Other Candidates: ₹750

Selection Process

The selection process for IPPB Executive Recruitment 2025 is based on academic merit and an interview. A merit list will be prepared based on the percentage of marks obtained in graduation, and shortlisted candidates will be called for an interview.

Merit-Based Shortlisting: Candidates will be shortlisted based on the percentage of marks obtained in graduation.
Interview: Shortlisted candidates will be called for a personal interview.
Domicile Preference: Candidates having a domicile certificate for the state they are applying to will be given preference over others.
Final Selection: Based on interview performance and document verification


Selected candidates will receive a lump sum salary of ₹30,000 per month, inclusive of statutory deductions. Additionally, an annual increment may be provided based on performance in business acquisition and sales activities as per the decision of the Competent Authority. However, no additional allowances, bonuses, or benefits will be provided apart from those explicitly mentioned.

For Download Notification  Click Here


 So this is a very good opportunity in which you are getting Govt job. This job has brought you a golden opportunity and you should not miss it at all. You can imagine how big the network is doing. This is also a career opportunity for you. So I hope you liked our post and if you have any problem then you can ask us through comment and also follow us.

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

UPSC EPFO 2025 Notification | 230 Vacancies

sbj Classes

      Friends, if you are looking for a job and you are not getting a job, then today we have brought such a job for you, by which you can easily get a job by exam. You can do this work very easily and earn money. If you want, you can also make your career.

The Union Public Service Commission administers the UPSC EPFO, a national test, to select eligible applicants for the roles of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) and Enforcement Officer (EO)/Accounts Officer (AO). The positions will be filled by the Ministry of Labor and Employment's Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). Candidates having a bachelor's degree in management, law, or a related discipline may apply for the UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2025; full details will be made public along with the UPSC EPFO Notification 2025. 

UPSC EPFO 2025 Notification

A UPSC EPFO 2025 Notification for about 230 EO/AO and APFC positions will be posted on the UPSC website, The notification PDF is anticipated to be made available in February or March 2025, along with comprehensive information about the specific hiring procedure, including eligibility requirements, the selection procedure, the exam format, the syllabus, the pay scale, the application procedure, and much more. Candidates can review information from the previous year's notice PDF in the meantime. 


The UPSC EPFO test is administered by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the positions of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) and Enforcement Officer (EO/Accounts Officer). Two stages of the recruitment process—a written test and an interview—will be used to choose the candidates.  The chosen applicants for the positions of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) and Enforcement Officer (EO)/Accounts Officer (AO) will serve a two-year probationary period.  See the table below for additional information on the UPSC EPFO 2025 exam. 

Exam AuthorityUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Post NameEnforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO) and Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC)
Vacancies230 (Expected)
CategoryGovt Jobs
Application ModeOnline
Job LocationAcross India
Selection Process
  1. Written Test
  2. Interview/Personality Test
LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Job LocationNational (Across India)

Important Dates

Along with its official announcement, the Union Public Service Commission will make the whole UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2025 schedule available.  When the full schedule of events scheduled under UPSC EPFO 2025 is formally issued, we will update it in the table below.

UPSC EPFO Notification 2025February- March 2025
Opening date of Registration--
Closing date of Registration--
UPSC EPFO Admit card 2025--
UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2025--

Vacancy Details

The total vacancies for Enforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO) and Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) as expected are 230. The confirmed vacancies will released along with the release of the UPSC EPFO Notification 2025. This time, around 156 vacancies are announced for EO/AO and 74 vacancies for APFC posts. 

Enforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO)156
Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC)74

Apply Online

Candidates must register online via the official UPSC website,, if they are interested in and qualified for the UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2025 Exam. A notification PDF and the dates for online registration for the UPSC EPFO Exam will be made available at When completing the online application forms, candidates should have all required paperwork on hand.

Application Fee

The candidates have to pay the required online application fee to submit their UPSC EPFO Application Form. 

Gen/ OBC/ EWSRs. 25/-
SC/ ST/ PwD/ FemaleRs. 0/-
Mode of PaymentOnline

How to Apply

Follow the given steps to Apply Online for UPSC EPFO 2025 Exam.

  • Click the link for the UPSC EPFO Online Application Form.
  • As the new tab opens, click the option, “Apply Now”.
  • On the next page, Check for the declaration at the bottom of the page, “Yes, I Agree”.
  • Fill in the Personal Details.
  • Finally, Agree to the declaration and Submit Part I of the UPSC EPFO Officer Online Application Form.
  • Go to Part II of the form and make Payment details (except for fee exempted candidates), selection of examination center, upload of Photograph, Signature, Photo Identity Card Document and Declaration.
  • Verify all the credentials and then click Submit.


  • Matriculation Certificate/Marksheet
  • Age Proof/Birth Certificate
  • Education Certificate.
  • Caste Certificate
  • Challan/Credit Certificate/E Challan
  • Photograph
  • Signature

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must have to fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria in terms of education qualification and age limit which is required to apply for the vacancies. The Eligibility Criteria for UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2025 are as follows:


The interested candidate must mandatorily be a citizen of India in order to be eligible for this post. If not, the candidate can be still considered eligible if he/she is either:

  • a subject of Nepal/Bhutan
  • a Tibetan refugee settled permanently in India (since 1962).
  • a person of Indian origin settled permanently in India from countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Vietnam, and other East African countries.

Education Qualification

Candidates with Bachelor’s Degree (Graduation) in Any Stream from Any Recognized University in India will be eligible for this post.

Desirable: (a) Diploma in Company Law/Labour Laws / Public Administration.

Age Limit 

The upper Age Limit For UPSC EPFO Recruitment for EO/AO posts is 30 years and for APFC, the upper age limit is 35 years

Age Relaxation
CategoryUpper Age Relaxation
ST/SC5 Years
OBC3 Years
Employees of EPFO5 Years
PH (Gen)10 Years
PH (OBC)13 Years
PH (ST/SC)15 Years
Exam Pattern

The selection process under UPSC EPFO 2025 requires qualification of by a pen & paper-based Recruitment Test (RT). The test will be two hours in duration, all the questions carry equal marks.

The Recruitment Test (RT) will be an Offline Exam (Pen & Paper Based) consisting of Objective Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) followed by Interview round:


The exam questions will be in both Hindi and English.
There will be objective-type questions with multiple choices of answers. The medium of the test will be both Hindi and English.
There is a negative marking of one-third of the marks assigned to each question.
If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.
PwD candidates shall be allowed compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour in the RT and facility of Scribe


The subject wise UPSC EPFO 2025 Syllabus has been mentioned below. 

General English and Vocabulary
  1. Idioms and Phrases
  2. Tenses
  3. Word Formation
  4. Fill in the Blanks
  5. Synonyms & Antonyms
  6. Verb & Adverb
  7. Vocabulary
  8. Theme Detection
  9. Articles
  10. Sentence Completion
  11. Error Correction
  12. Conclusion
  13. Subject-Verb Agreement
  14. Passage Completion
  15. Grammar
  16. Comprehension
  17. Unseen Passages
  18. Sentence Rearrangement
General Science
  1. Newtons Laws of motion
  2. Units and measurements
  3. Thermal properties of matter
  4. Gravitation
  5. Kinetic theory
  6. Wave Optics
  7. Work, energy, and power
  8. Physical
  9. world
  10. Oscillations
  11. Ray optics and optical instruments
  12. Mechanical properties of solids
  13. Thermodynamics
  14. Motion in a straight line
  15. Nuclei
  16. Motion in a plane
  17. Systems of particles and rotational motion
  18. Mechanical properties of fluids
  19. Moving charges and magnetism
  20. Electric charges and fields
  21. Electrostatic potential and capacitance
  22. Electromagnetic induction
  23. Current electricity
  24. Magnetism and Matter
  25. Dual nature of radiation and matter
  26. Alternating current
  27. Atoms
  28. Electromagnetic waves
  29. Semiconductor electronics
  30. Waves
  31. The s – block elements
  32. Communication systems
  33. Organic chemistry-some basic principles and techniques and hydrocarbons
  34. P-block elements – group 14 (carbon family)
  35. Solutions
  36. Chemical bonding and molecular structure
  37. Electrochemistry and chemical kinetics
  38. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
  39. General principles of metallurgy
  40. Organic compounds containing c, h, and o
  41. P- block elements group 13 (boron family)
  42. P-block elements
  43. D and f block elements & coordination compounds
  44. Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
  45. Environmental chemistry
  46. Biomolecules
  47. Solid-state
  48. States of matter: gasses and liquids
  49. Chemistry in everyday life
General Mental Ability
  1. Analogy
  2. Classification
  3. Series
  4. Coding-Decoding
  5. Blood Relations
  6. Direction Sense Test
  7. Mathematical Operations
  8. Arithmetical Reasoning
  9. Logical Venn Diagrams
  10. Alphabet Test
  11. Sitting Arrangements
  12. Inserting the Missing Character
  13. Number, Ranking, and Time Sequence Test
  14. Eligibility Test
Computer Fundamentals
  1. Basic Concepts
  2. Operating System
  3. Cyber Security
  4. Software Packages
  5. Spreadsheet
  6. Working with Internet
Statistics, Economics, and Mathematics
  1. Collection, Classification, Tabulation, and Diagrammatic Presentation of data. Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Moments.
  2. Index Number: Uses, types, and limitations of index numbers, construction of index numbers, simple and weighted aggregate method, Simple and weighted average price-relatives, Chain base index numbers, Base shifting, Cost of Living Index numbers.
  3. Design of Sample Survey: Sampling Unit, Sampling frame, Sampling fraction, Sampling with and without replacement, Population Parameter and Sample estimator, Simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling.
  4. Correlation and Regression: Correlation and its coefficients, Linear Regression.
  5. Time Series Analysis: Components, Measurements of Trend, Seasonal, Cyclical and irregular variations.


UPSC offers handsome salaries to the candidates shortlisted for the officer's posts. The Payscale of EPFO Officer is at Level 8 in the Pay Matrix as per the 7th CPC. This will imply that the salary range will be Rs 43,600 to 55,200. The Payscale thus becomes Rs 9300-34800. UPSC also offers other allowances and benefits to the candidates selected. 

Admit Card

The officials will release UPSC EPFO Admit Card/Call Letter for each stage separately on its official website for the candidates eligible to appear in the particular stage. The admit cards will be released through online mode only and the candidates will not be sent UPSC EPFO Admit Card through any other means/mode. 


UPSC EPFO Enforcement Officer Result PDF will be made available on the official website of the Union Public Service Commission at or the candidates can directly download the result pdf from this article once released. The candidates shortlisted after qualifying for the recruitment test will be called for the Interview round upon which final selection depends. The final result will be prepared on basis of marks scored in the Recruitment Test & Interview with a weightage of 75:25 respectively. 

Cut Off

UPSC releases cut-off marks for Recruitment Test, Interview round, and final cut-off marks along with UPSC EPFO Final Result. The cut-off marks are released category-wise. Check last year's UPSC EPFO Cut Off marks from the below table to have a reference. 

Category Recruitment TestInterviewFinal Selection
OBC178.3345 246.18


 So this is a very good opportunity in which you are getting Govt job. This job has brought you a golden opportunity and you should not miss it at all. You can imagine how big the network is doing. This is also a career opportunity for you. So I hope you liked our post and if you have any problem then you can ask us through comment and also follow us.

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