Friends, if you are looking for a job and you are not getting a job, then today we have brought such a part time job for you, which you can do sitting at home or by joining any company. Here you also get free courses from which you can also make your career. This is a very big company and if you get a job here then your career can be made.
We are talking about Bandhan Bank, where you are getting courses by which you can become a part of Bandhan Bank and with this you are also getting part time job. This is a huge company and it is a great achievement and you should not miss this opportunity. The best part is that you get to learn a lot of skills and with the help of these skills you can get a job anywhere. This is the latest job opening and you should apply as soon as possible.
Bandhan Bank
Bandhan Bank was founded on August 23, 2015, with a wide range of products for all market segments. The goal has remained reaching out to the unbanked and underbanked and providing last-mile banking for all, no matter how big or small, throughout its evolution from an NGO to an NBFC and finally a universal bank. driven by the 'Aapka Bhala philosophy. "Sabbi Bhalai." Your advantage. The good of everyone.) The primary objective of Bandhan Bank has changed from financial inclusion to inclusive banking.
NextGen Banker’s Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance
An advanced training program for the banking and finance industry is the NextGen Banker's Post Graduate Diploma in Banking & Finance. Bandhan-Konnagar came up with this one-of-a-kind program, which is affiliated with West Bengal's Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology (MAKAUT), in recognition of the need to educate competent candidates. The program's goal is to build a skilled banking workforce.
Programme Structure
- One-year full-time residential course at Bandhan School of Development Management (BSDM) at its campus in Kolkata
- Includes ten months of classroom training and a two-month internship with reputed Banks
- Courses are built around various aspects of banking such as regulatory requirements, laws, processes, products and services
- A monthly stipend is paid to the students during the duration of the course
- On successful completion of the course, candidates are offered placement assistance
- Only Indian Nationals are eligible
- Aged between 21 and 27 years at the time of application
- Graduates from any discipline, with a First Class in at least 2 of the final 3 examinations (Secondary, Higher Secondary, Graduation)
- The selection process is conducted across different parts of the country (offline as well as online) and includes course counselling, aptitude test and personal interviews. Details can be shared over e-mail.
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