We are talking about National Centre For Good Governance, where you get internship. You can learn skills by taking internship and you can use these skills to get a job. It is a huge company and it is a great achievement and you should not miss this opportunity. Its branches are spread all over India.
About NCGG Internship Programme
The NCGG Internship Programme is a short-term engagement (minimum 8 weeks to maximum 6 months) of ‘selected students’ with various verticals and units of the National Centre for Good Governance, Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances & Pensions, Government of India. The engagement is purely temporary to enable Indian youth by providing them exposure to a gamut of governance and public policy related issues and involving them in possible way ahead to overcome challenges in the way of citizen-centric governance. Admission to internship programme does not give any right to interns to seek regular employment with the Centre. Interns may be assigned a specific domain/ area to work on.
To improve the NCGG's academic research and operation by working with the nation's young talent to develop their knowledge, abilities, and theoretical education through hands-on methods. This program plans to give openness to the public strategy and administration related issues to understudies for common advantage.
prospective candidate for the internship shall have to meet following eligibility criteria:
- Internship programme is open for all Indian students studying in India or abroad.
- Internship is open to students with graduation degree and/ or are pursuing their post-graduation/ PG Diploma and advance academic degrees and are interested to intern as part of their dissertation/ capstone project in their curriculum or awaiting their degree certificate after appearing in their final examination in the same academic year.
- Students enrolled in 4 or 5–year courses in law and engineering may also apply for the Internship during their final year of graduation.
- The age of the candidate shall not exceed 30 years at the time of application.
- Applicant has to upload a letter of recommendation from their university/ institution, where he/ she is enrolled.
Ordinarily the period of internship will not be less than 8 (eight) weeks or exceed 6 (six) months for successful completion of internship and to become eligible for experience certificate.
Domains/ areas available for Internship
- Public policy & governance
- Education
- Decentralized planning
- E-governance
- Public service delivery
- Laws & regulations
- Rural development & poverty elimination
- Water, sanitation, hygiene & public health
- Governance in healthcare
- Sustainability
- Disaster resilience infrastructure and disaster mitigation
- Sustainable urban management and urban governance
- Infrastructure Development
- Innovation & entrepreneurship
- Water resource management & river rejuvenation
- Climate change, environment & clean energy
- Tribal affairs
- Monitoring, data analytics & evaluation
- Project planning, designing, management & monitoring
- Natural resource, environment and Forests
- Mass communication and social media
- Any other subject relevant to public policy, good governance, public service delivery, etc.
The application for internship will be invited by the Centre through on its website www.ncgg.org.in
An application can be made any time during the year preferably not later than 1 months before the intended start of the internship, clearly indicating the starting date;
Applicants must furnish all required information to enable the Centre to make a decision. The Centre will verify such information like original marksheets, letter of approval/ recommendation, personal ID at the time of joining, failing to which the applicant’s joining shall be cancelled. Submission of false information will be viewed very seriously;
The applications with incomplete information or not meeting eligibility conditions shall be disqualified by the system automatically;
The selection process shall consist of two stages; preliminary screening of applications for shortlisting of candidates and personal interview (online or offline) of shortlisted candidates. NCGG will constitute a committee for screening of applications and/ or holding personal interview;
Based on the number of applications, required intake of the Centre for the respective month and domains/areas selected by the candidates, the personal interview shall be conducted with prior information communicated to candidate via email;
After screening process and personal interview, a list of selected candidates shall be declared and successful candidates will be informed via email along with notification on joining date;
The total number of internships offered shall not exceed 20 (twenty) at any given point in time; and
The internship applications may be reviewed based on NCGG’s requirement periodically by a screening committee.

Assistants will be expected to make own game plans for their movement, boarding, dwelling, and so on. what's more, ought to have their own workstations. NCGG will give working space, web office and different necessities as considered fit by the concerned boss.
A consolidated stipend/honorarium @ INR 10,000 per month on pro-rata basis will be paid to each intern during their approved period of internship based on progress in the assignment. No other expenses shall be payable.
Obligations and attendance
The understudies will be coordinated with the day to day operations of the Middle with an enlistment program. Each intern will have a supervisor from their vertical who will oversee assignments, monitor work, and evaluate it. Secondary research, report writing, evolving developments analysis, data analytics, event management, communication, or any other task assigned to interns by supervisors may be part of the duties. In order to receive an experience certificate, each intern must be present for at least 80% of the internship period. The participation record and the subtleties of work management will be kept up with routinely and their endorsement is relevant for qualification to get honorarium. The Center will only consider extending the internship period in exceptional circumstances and for compelling reasons. Each understudy will keep up with appropriate conduct consistently during temporary position period and will not unveil any private data of the Middle in his/her ownership to a pariah.
Toward the finish of the entry level position, each understudy needs to present a report and furthermore make a show to the assessment panel to confirm that the up-and-comer has effectively finished the temporary job and in view of the proposals of the board of trustees, the 'certificate of fruitful culmination of temporary job' will be given. NCGG will reserve the privilege to use the report and it will likewise be imparted to the supporting foundation.
A certificate regarding successful completion of internship shall be issued by the Centre on the recommendation of the evaluation committee and supervisor of the intern.
Termination of Internship
The determination to the temporary job program at NCGG is completely inside the space of the Middle and just after gathering the important qualification standards referenced in this report. The Middle might end the temporary job of any understudy anytime as it considers fit, without appointing any explanation and the choice of the Middle in such manner will be conclusive. Any understudy might decide to end the temporary job by giving an earlier notification of multi week to the individual manager.
Apply by clicking the button below to submit your internship application form.
Application for the NCGG internship will be open for submission from 1st to the 10th of each month.
Please clearly mention you intended date of joining as well as the duration of your availability for the internship in the form.
Please check your eligibility for the internship programme mentioned in the guidelines before applying.
So this is a very good opportunity in which you are getting internship as well as work from home. This company has brought you a golden opportunity and you should not miss it at all. You can imagine how big the network is doing. This is also a career opportunity for you. So I hope you liked our post and if you have any problem then you can ask us through comment and also follow us.
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