Tuesday, March 4, 2025

UPSC EPFO 2025 Notification | 230 Vacancies

      Friends, if you are looking for a job and you are not getting a job, then today we have brought such a job for you, by which you can easily get a job by exam. You can do this work very easily and earn money. If you want, you can also make your career.

The Union Public Service Commission administers the UPSC EPFO, a national test, to select eligible applicants for the roles of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) and Enforcement Officer (EO)/Accounts Officer (AO). The positions will be filled by the Ministry of Labor and Employment's Employees' Provident Fund Organization (EPFO). Candidates having a bachelor's degree in management, law, or a related discipline may apply for the UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2025; full details will be made public along with the UPSC EPFO Notification 2025. 

UPSC EPFO 2025 Notification

A UPSC EPFO 2025 Notification for about 230 EO/AO and APFC positions will be posted on the UPSC website, www.upsc.gov.in. The notification PDF is anticipated to be made available in February or March 2025, along with comprehensive information about the specific hiring procedure, including eligibility requirements, the selection procedure, the exam format, the syllabus, the pay scale, the application procedure, and much more. Candidates can review information from the previous year's notice PDF in the meantime. 


The UPSC EPFO test is administered by the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) for the positions of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) and Enforcement Officer (EO/Accounts Officer). Two stages of the recruitment process—a written test and an interview—will be used to choose the candidates.  The chosen applicants for the positions of Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) and Enforcement Officer (EO)/Accounts Officer (AO) will serve a two-year probationary period.  See the table below for additional information on the UPSC EPFO 2025 exam. 

Exam AuthorityUnion Public Service Commission (UPSC)
Post NameEnforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO) and Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC)
Vacancies230 (Expected)
CategoryGovt Jobs
Application ModeOnline
Job LocationAcross India
Selection Process
  1. Written Test
  2. Interview/Personality Test
LanguageEnglish and Hindi
Job LocationNational (Across India)
Official websitewww.upsc.gov.in

Important Dates

Along with its official announcement, the Union Public Service Commission will make the whole UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2025 schedule available.  When the full schedule of events scheduled under UPSC EPFO 2025 is formally issued, we will update it in the table below.

UPSC EPFO Notification 2025February- March 2025
Opening date of Registration--
Closing date of Registration--
UPSC EPFO Admit card 2025--
UPSC EPFO Exam Date 2025--

Vacancy Details

The total vacancies for Enforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO) and Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC) as expected are 230. The confirmed vacancies will released along with the release of the UPSC EPFO Notification 2025. This time, around 156 vacancies are announced for EO/AO and 74 vacancies for APFC posts. 

Enforcement Officer (EO)/ Accounts Officer (AO)156
Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC)74

Apply Online

Candidates must register online via the official UPSC website, www.upsc.gov.in, if they are interested in and qualified for the UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2025 Exam. A notification PDF and the dates for online registration for the UPSC EPFO Exam will be made available at www.upsc.gov.in. When completing the online application forms, candidates should have all required paperwork on hand.

Application Fee

The candidates have to pay the required online application fee to submit their UPSC EPFO Application Form. 

Gen/ OBC/ EWSRs. 25/-
SC/ ST/ PwD/ FemaleRs. 0/-
Mode of PaymentOnline

How to Apply

Follow the given steps to Apply Online for UPSC EPFO 2025 Exam.

  • Click the link for the UPSC EPFO Online Application Form.
  • As the new tab opens, click the option, “Apply Now”.
  • On the next page, Check for the declaration at the bottom of the page, “Yes, I Agree”.
  • Fill in the Personal Details.
  • Finally, Agree to the declaration and Submit Part I of the UPSC EPFO Officer Online Application Form.
  • Go to Part II of the form and make Payment details (except for fee exempted candidates), selection of examination center, upload of Photograph, Signature, Photo Identity Card Document and Declaration.
  • Verify all the credentials and then click Submit.


  • Matriculation Certificate/Marksheet
  • Age Proof/Birth Certificate
  • Education Certificate.
  • Caste Certificate
  • Challan/Credit Certificate/E Challan
  • Photograph
  • Signature

Eligibility Criteria

Candidates must have to fulfil the minimum eligibility criteria in terms of education qualification and age limit which is required to apply for the vacancies. The Eligibility Criteria for UPSC EPFO Recruitment 2025 are as follows:


The interested candidate must mandatorily be a citizen of India in order to be eligible for this post. If not, the candidate can be still considered eligible if he/she is either:

  • a subject of Nepal/Bhutan
  • a Tibetan refugee settled permanently in India (since 1962).
  • a person of Indian origin settled permanently in India from countries like Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Burma, Vietnam, and other East African countries.

Education Qualification

Candidates with Bachelor’s Degree (Graduation) in Any Stream from Any Recognized University in India will be eligible for this post.

Desirable: (a) Diploma in Company Law/Labour Laws / Public Administration.

Age Limit 

The upper Age Limit For UPSC EPFO Recruitment for EO/AO posts is 30 years and for APFC, the upper age limit is 35 years

Age Relaxation
CategoryUpper Age Relaxation
ST/SC5 Years
OBC3 Years
Employees of EPFO5 Years
PH (Gen)10 Years
PH (OBC)13 Years
PH (ST/SC)15 Years
Exam Pattern

The selection process under UPSC EPFO 2025 requires qualification of by a pen & paper-based Recruitment Test (RT). The test will be two hours in duration, all the questions carry equal marks.

The Recruitment Test (RT) will be an Offline Exam (Pen & Paper Based) consisting of Objective Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) followed by Interview round:


The exam questions will be in both Hindi and English.
There will be objective-type questions with multiple choices of answers. The medium of the test will be both Hindi and English.
There is a negative marking of one-third of the marks assigned to each question.
If no answer is marked for a question, there will be no penalty for that question.
PwD candidates shall be allowed compensatory time of 20 minutes per hour in the RT and facility of Scribe


The subject wise UPSC EPFO 2025 Syllabus has been mentioned below. 

General English and Vocabulary
  1. Idioms and Phrases
  2. Tenses
  3. Word Formation
  4. Fill in the Blanks
  5. Synonyms & Antonyms
  6. Verb & Adverb
  7. Vocabulary
  8. Theme Detection
  9. Articles
  10. Sentence Completion
  11. Error Correction
  12. Conclusion
  13. Subject-Verb Agreement
  14. Passage Completion
  15. Grammar
  16. Comprehension
  17. Unseen Passages
  18. Sentence Rearrangement
General Science
  1. Newtons Laws of motion
  2. Units and measurements
  3. Thermal properties of matter
  4. Gravitation
  5. Kinetic theory
  6. Wave Optics
  7. Work, energy, and power
  8. Physical
  9. world
  10. Oscillations
  11. Ray optics and optical instruments
  12. Mechanical properties of solids
  13. Thermodynamics
  14. Motion in a straight line
  15. Nuclei
  16. Motion in a plane
  17. Systems of particles and rotational motion
  18. Mechanical properties of fluids
  19. Moving charges and magnetism
  20. Electric charges and fields
  21. Electrostatic potential and capacitance
  22. Electromagnetic induction
  23. Current electricity
  24. Magnetism and Matter
  25. Dual nature of radiation and matter
  26. Alternating current
  27. Atoms
  28. Electromagnetic waves
  29. Semiconductor electronics
  30. Waves
  31. The s – block elements
  32. Communication systems
  33. Organic chemistry-some basic principles and techniques and hydrocarbons
  34. P-block elements – group 14 (carbon family)
  35. Solutions
  36. Chemical bonding and molecular structure
  37. Electrochemistry and chemical kinetics
  38. Haloalkanes and Haloarenes
  39. General principles of metallurgy
  40. Organic compounds containing c, h, and o
  41. P- block elements group 13 (boron family)
  42. P-block elements
  43. D and f block elements & coordination compounds
  44. Classification of elements and periodicity in properties
  45. Environmental chemistry
  46. Biomolecules
  47. Solid-state
  48. States of matter: gasses and liquids
  49. Chemistry in everyday life
General Mental Ability
  1. Analogy
  2. Classification
  3. Series
  4. Coding-Decoding
  5. Blood Relations
  6. Direction Sense Test
  7. Mathematical Operations
  8. Arithmetical Reasoning
  9. Logical Venn Diagrams
  10. Alphabet Test
  11. Sitting Arrangements
  12. Inserting the Missing Character
  13. Number, Ranking, and Time Sequence Test
  14. Eligibility Test
Computer Fundamentals
  1. Basic Concepts
  2. Operating System
  3. Cyber Security
  4. Software Packages
  5. Spreadsheet
  6. Working with Internet
Statistics, Economics, and Mathematics
  1. Collection, Classification, Tabulation, and Diagrammatic Presentation of data. Measures of Central Tendency, Dispersion, Moments.
  2. Index Number: Uses, types, and limitations of index numbers, construction of index numbers, simple and weighted aggregate method, Simple and weighted average price-relatives, Chain base index numbers, Base shifting, Cost of Living Index numbers.
  3. Design of Sample Survey: Sampling Unit, Sampling frame, Sampling fraction, Sampling with and without replacement, Population Parameter and Sample estimator, Simple random sampling, stratified random sampling, systematic sampling, cluster sampling.
  4. Correlation and Regression: Correlation and its coefficients, Linear Regression.
  5. Time Series Analysis: Components, Measurements of Trend, Seasonal, Cyclical and irregular variations.


UPSC offers handsome salaries to the candidates shortlisted for the officer's posts. The Payscale of EPFO Officer is at Level 8 in the Pay Matrix as per the 7th CPC. This will imply that the salary range will be Rs 43,600 to 55,200. The Payscale thus becomes Rs 9300-34800. UPSC also offers other allowances and benefits to the candidates selected. 

Admit Card

The officials will release UPSC EPFO Admit Card/Call Letter for each stage separately on its official website www.upsc.gov.in for the candidates eligible to appear in the particular stage. The admit cards will be released through online mode only and the candidates will not be sent UPSC EPFO Admit Card through any other means/mode. 


UPSC EPFO Enforcement Officer Result PDF will be made available on the official website of the Union Public Service Commission at www.upsc.gov.in or the candidates can directly download the result pdf from this article once released. The candidates shortlisted after qualifying for the recruitment test will be called for the Interview round upon which final selection depends. The final result will be prepared on basis of marks scored in the Recruitment Test & Interview with a weightage of 75:25 respectively. 

Cut Off

UPSC releases cut-off marks for Recruitment Test, Interview round, and final cut-off marks along with UPSC EPFO Final Result. The cut-off marks are released category-wise. Check last year's UPSC EPFO Cut Off marks from the below table to have a reference. 

Category Recruitment TestInterviewFinal Selection
OBC178.3345 246.18


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